


埃因霍温, 荷兰人 2019年11月13日(新闻界) - 恩智浦半导体N.V.(纳斯达克股票代码:NXPI)今天宣布参加以下活动与金融社区:

  • 2019年11月20日 巴克莱全球汽车会议 纽约市
  • 2019年12月3日 信用瑞士技术,Media&Telecom会议( 凤凰
  • 2019年12月4日 纳斯达克投资者会议 伦敦
  • 2019年12月10日 Deutsche银行汽车技术会议 旧金山
  • 2019年12月11日:Barclays Global Technology,Media&Telecom会议( 旧金山


关于 恩智浦半导体
恩智浦半导体N.V.使得能够为更智能的世界进行安全的连接,推进使生活更容易,更好,更安全的解决方案。作为嵌入式应用的安全连接解决方​​案的世界领导者,恩智浦正在汽车,工业和物联网,移动和通信基础设施市场的创新。亚博波胆怎么算的公司建于60多年的综合经验和专业知识,该公司拥有超过30个国家的30,000名员工,并发布了收入 m 94.1亿美元在2018年。了解更多

本文档包括前瞻性陈述,包括关于北方委员会的业务战略,财务状况,运营结果和市场数据的陈述,以及任何其他不是历史事实的陈述。通过他们的性质,前瞻性陈述受到众多因素,风险和不确定性的影响,可能导致实际结果和结果与预计的物质不同。这些因素,风险和不确定性包括以下内容:市场需求和半导体产业条件;能够成功介绍新技术和产品;亚博公司待遇纳兹产品纳入货物的最终市场需求;亚博公司待遇能够在成熟时或之前培养足够现金,筹集足够的资本或再融资企业债务;能够满足公司债务服务,研发和资本投资要求的组合;能够准确估计需求并相应地匹配制造生产能力或从第三方生产商获得供应;从第三方外包合作伙伴获得生产能力;任何可能影响第三方业务合作伙伴或恩智浦与其关系的事件; the ability to secure adequate and timely supply of equipment and materials from suppliers; the ability to avoid operational problems and product defects and, if such issues were to arise, to correct them quickly; the ability to form strategic partnerships and joint ventures and to successfully cooperate with alliance partners; the ability to win competitive bid selection processes to develop products for use in customers’ equipment and products; the ability to achieve targeted efficiencies and cost savings; the ability to successfully hire and retain key management and senior product architects; and, the ability to maintain good relationships with our suppliers. In addition, this document contains information concerning the semiconductor industry and NXP’s business generally, which is forward-looking in nature and is based on a variety of assumptions regarding the ways in which the semiconductor industry, NXP’s markets and product areas may develop. NXP has based these assumptions on information currently available, if any one or more of these assumptions turn out to be incorrect, actual results may differ from those predicted. While NXP does not know what impact any such differences may have on its business, if there are such differences, its future results of operations and its financial condition could be materially adversely affected. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak to results only as of the date the statements were made. Except for any ongoing obligation to disclose material information as required by 美国联邦证券法律,恩智浦无意或义务在我们分发本文件后公开更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述,是否反映任何未来的事件或情况或其他情况。讨论潜在风险和不确定性,请参阅我们的风险因素申请。我们的副本我们的投资者关系网站提供备案,或者从网站,


+1 408 518 5411
Jacey Zuniga.
+1 512 895 7398


资料来源:NXP USA,Inc。